Purbecks ride 24/03


Retrobike Rider
BoTM Winner
Well, today I was on 'stand-by' for work. This means hanging around at home waiting to see (or hear ;) ) if the phone rings.
It hadn't by 2pm, so I decided not to waste the day and headed off over The Purbecks to see how it had dried out since the last time I rode there a few months ago.
Rolled down the hill to the prom. Noticed from the flags that the wind would be assisting me to the ferry (but killing meon my way home).
A nice 4 mile spin and I'm at the chain ferry, just in time to spy a tiny fishing boat cruising into the Harbour. I couldn't resist a Lobster pic :D


A 10 minute wait for the ferry and then I was on...


Its only a 5 minute crossing,and then I was on my way. The short road section was soon out of the way and then it was on towards the Agglestone (or fraggle rock between me and my mates)




A short stop for pics, wine gums and to gather breath and then it was onwards. My favorite section of the ride awaited...and it had dried out enough to enjoy! New lines had developed since I last rode it and I nearly got caught out once or twice.
After being spat out by Franks Tank, it was a nice flat spin along...until my fooking USE seat clamp slipped (how crap a design are they by the way?? :? ) so I needed to stop and mess around


After some cursing and muttering, I was underway again. Past Rempstone Farm and on towards MMF (Mount Mutha Funster!). This was a real struggle as the farmer ad been upit in his tractor and made an already near impossible climb even worse.
I emerged at the top puffing and panting and realising just how bike unfit I've become.
It was decision time...do a short route or carry on down the brilliant downhill to Corfe Castle and have a brew at the amazing tea rooms... decision made!


More tinkering with the seat post during my cuppa and then the enevitable climb back up. This was when I realised Id had a tail wind! I climbed for what seemed like for ever then stopped for breath


One last steep climb and then time for some great single track decents back towards the ferry. Resisted the temptatio of the shell bay cafe and carried on to the ferry




The return trip along the prom was hard work. 2 miles in I realised I was being slip-streamed by a pensioner on a 20 year old Raliegh :LOL:
At that point I decided to stop for a rest and more pics



Just a short ride back then a hot shower and leftover chicken and chorizo casserole :D
A good day :cool:
These pics just make me want to get over there again. Damn having kids on a Saturday and working on Sunday's :evil: :evil:
Will have to try a mid week bash like yours as I get Wed's off.
retroyetirigid":38pkofxs said:
These pics just make me want to get over there again. Damn having kids on a Saturday and working on Sunday's :evil: :evil:
Will have to try a mid week bash like yours as I get Wed's off.

I'll be getting over there in the evenings from this weekend, so give me a nudge if you're free :D
Gravy Monster":3awobfjr said:
Looks great and I will make it there some time soon I promise :)

Im loving the detail of the cable donuts ;)

Cheers :D
The modern forks and stem have ruined the looks of the bike in my opinion, but this is now my everyday bike.
I almost got rid and bought a modern Ti Lobster, but decided to stick with this one and just fit some better forks etc.
The Bombers are 2010 and 1" steerer, so that kind of settled it :D

Regular Purbecks rides on the cards through the summer so just let me know when you're free mate

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