What would you do? Selling a bike.

"Sorry, I've changed my mind, I don't want to sell it anymore... to you!"šŸ˜‚

You said you weren't ready to sell it. Sounds like he pressured you.
A month is way too long. You yourself said you'd equally love to sell it to the local guy. So do it.
Remind the French guy of its availability. Say you've had a local guy express interest. Give French guy 24 hours to deposit the money and if they don't meet that revised deadline, they should assume you've sold it.

I've read most of the discussion and I think you're very generous to give so much time to the other part to do the transaction. One month is a lot of time. If you've given all the informations and if you have no answer, then this guy is not so interested.

Given the volume of a bike, it's something I prefer not to receive via mail. I prefer to see the seller (or the buyer if I'm the seller), the object to buy/sell, and be able to discuss about it between four eyes. Where I work (i'm an hotliner for a site where you find computer hardware), we always give an answer in 48 hours. Always !

It's now an habit for me, personally, to reply quickly and I also consider that if I send an e-mail to someone who sells something, if he really wants to sell, I want a quick reply from him (quick equals no more than 48 hours, I don't count the week-ends). It's written in my e-mails : I'm waiting for a reply in no more than 48 hours, if no reply, I consider the person doesn't want to sell/is not serious and I give up. So when i read that you've given one month ! Woooow ! :D

I suppose that to have always taken these precautions prevented me to deal with bad people. Here in France, we have an aftermarket site, leboncoin.fr, where it's possible to find a lot of things (at the moment, nearly 65 million items listed), I used it a lot back in time but the more the time goes, the more it becomes a pain in the a**. I send 10 messages, I receive no more than 2 answers (including one after 48 hours), it's stressful ! ebay is so much better ! I saw on leboncoin, a message I sent for a Specialized MTB in October (2022), the item is still listed, the guy still hasn't read my message...

Like I see in the other replies on this thread, I think you should sell to people locally, meet them, talk with them, it'll be better for you and for them ! :)

Have a good day ! :)

yeah, I say **** Frenchie- if he really wanted it, heā€™d have made it happen by now & dont waste any more time feeling bad about it, either.