Where's Elwyn Roberts????


Dirt Disciple
Hi Guys,

Just wondering if anyone knows or used to know a guy by the name of Elwyn Roberts.

He used to live in the sort of Walsall, Bloxwich area in the early '90's.

I guess he would be a round the 30 year old mark now.

Me, Missmyfat and a few others used to ride with him back then. He used to be one of the maddest people around on a bike at the time. I think if i am right he used to ride the Kamikaze at Mammoth. Constantly breaking forks and frames etc.

I can always remember watching in absolute disbelief at him launching of the lip of the 'quarry' on Cannock Chase and landing..... ooooh somewhere near the bottom!!

A mad dude with tatoos and sort of Tinker Jurez type long curly hair if i remember right.

Anyway just wondered if anyone knew or knows him,

LOL.. I'm falling off my seat laughing. I used to hang around with him many moons ago. Monsterfat also is good friends with him. The boy is quite a character and a liability lol. The best off road memory I have of Cannock chase is not on a bike but in Elwyn's Mahindra Jeep. We were going around a corner on the main road by Shugborough hall one night and the dodgy Indian wiring to the headlights failed and we ended up jumping off a 6ft embankment and landed in a car park.. Then the lights came on again. The Jeep was running low on Oil one night before we went out to Birmingham clubbing so he topped it up with sunflower oil he found next to my oven. I also remember him flipping at one of the SAMS race organisers in Reading as the Downhill course was not very steep and had an uphill section in it.
Last time I spoke to him he was living in London running a pub. I wonder who owns the remains of his Yo Eddy?
you must have been riding the chase when we were in early 90's steve.
what bike did you ride? might remember you.
crap with names but quite good with faces and never forget a bike! :D
I used to be over there most weekends as a group of us used to ride over from Walsall and meet another group of mates from the Little Hayward/Stafford Area. In the 90's I used to ride a Silver Saracen Trekker with E-stays, a purple coloured Orange P7 or a Red Zinn 753 with Blue forks.
What did you used to ride? I'm the same I relate people to the bikes I ride and remember the spec of their bike better than their face.
Steve, i don't seem to remember your bikes but we might have been the group that you were on about riding with. There was one member from great/little hayward and a few fom the stafford area.

Me and Missmyfat are from Telford.

I used to ride either a green paint flick Roberts with Black accutrax or an Alpinestars Almega.
Steve i used to ride a tiny black dale with pro-circuits and suntour microdrive. then a purple/gold fade wicked fat with same forks on. bounty had the almega and there was a marin team ti and a yo the group.
I dont recall your bikes mate, i have never seen a zinn!
lads from the Stafford lot were Ben Stratton and another lad called Luke. Ben used to race for a distributer called 'Green' if I remember correctly. I remember your little Cannondale. I only had the Zinn for a short while. The out of the other Walsall lads two had Silver Zaskars one with Girvin vectors, one had a Klein with a 'disc drive', another a green De Kerf and a couple of Kona Explosif's. I stil cannot get over how many riders there used to be over the Chase at the weekend in the 90's.
:?: :?: Hey steve remember what little invention came out of elwyns garage that me and him cogged up before he went to the worlds??, :?: because no one on here will beleave us. he`s married with a kid,but its his dad`s garage and shed i`d like to look around,if you remember him i was usually somewhere near,any one remember will eaton?he was around at the same time he had a metalic teal yoeddy,i had a purple monster and elwyn had a grello yoeddy,then a yellow one
LOL.. ye.. resembled the DCD a few years before mr crud invented one.. Except he made loads of money out of it...
I just remember the garage being full of broken exotic parts such as bullseye cranks in two halfs.
:evil: We built one because el`s chain kept boncing of,elwyn took it to the worlds,and for some stupid reason told pete(mr crud) that he should make one,so pete took a photo of it.We went to cyclex in london and there it was bolted to a D.O.G.S.B.O.L.X with D.C.D printed on the front :evil: