Recent content by novocaine

  1. novocaine

    An Unusual Formula 1 - final pictures on page 3 and 4

    nicely done. you have made a future (long time in the future) owner have headaches, that's got to be worth something. :) "Yes I know the bullseye cranks won't fit in a mavic BB, but I'm telling you that's what I have......".
  2. novocaine

    McLaren e-Bike

  3. novocaine

    McLaren e-Bike

    yer, alright my bad. It's possibly the dirtiest that bike will ever get though sooooo. :)
  4. novocaine

    McLaren e-Bike

    you'd have thought that history would have taught car makers to stay in their lane, but nope. it's not a bike, it's a rich boys accessory to suction cup to his penis extension and point at at the local trails whilst proclaiming some bullshit or other. think I'll go back to bed, the world is...
  5. novocaine

    Convert Judy 97 to Air

    that's a easy one, because air is harder to keep inside than oil. This means it costs more to make the fork and profit margins are smaller. from a technical point of view it also means more stiction as the seals have to be tighter.
  6. novocaine

    1999 ROCK SHOX JUDY Hydracoil 100

    the right knob goes and looks at the owners manual :) sorry, just joking, welcome to the forum. It's nothing more than a preload adjuster, adding a bit of compression to the spring.
  7. novocaine

    Holdsworth cx frame 73(ISH)

    decathlon sell one just like it.
  8. novocaine

    Bent aluminum hanger. Help please!

    don't worry about it, it's not really an issue anyways. go get it sorted already. :)
  9. novocaine

    Bent aluminum hanger. Help please!

    aluminium is as far away from brittle as it can be, it's malleable, but it's plastic modulus isn't great, once it's yield point is exceeded it doesn't like to be moved back, it "work hardens" copper does the same thing. you'll be looking for about 2mm of movement max, it's well within even...
  10. novocaine

    Bent aluminum hanger. Help please!

    if your going to do it yourself then just buy the right tool (or make one, mine's home made). it threads in to the hanger, you reference of the wheel (I use the valve stem), spin the rim and tool to the other side of your plane and adjust, spin back and do it again. do this at top bottom front...
  11. novocaine

    GT LTS DH 1997

    I've come back and looked at this about 4 times now, so it's worth a comment. That's rather lovely. it's got a lot of the mods we'd have done back then too.
  12. novocaine

    Bikes and Bridges

    My intrusive thoughts tell me to ask which ones which. Damned intrusive thoughts. Thank goodness I can control them........
  13. novocaine

    Bent aluminum hanger. Help please!

    Almost any bike shop will have an alignment tool these days. Take your pick. If they don't, they'll know the next nearest that does. You'll not get it accurate with an adjustable spanner.
  14. novocaine

    Last chain reaction cycle orders?

    sooooo, what you are telling me is if you cross Mike and Alexei you get Mike Ashley? seems legit.
  15. novocaine

    Last chain reaction cycle orders?

    ah man, this all to much man, can't we all just like, get along maaaaaan?