Recent content by dinozoiks

  1. dinozoiks

    Wanted Syncros Powerlite forks

    I’m trying to recreate a bike that was nicked outside a kebab shop in Kentish Town in the 1990’s and annoyingly, I had Syncros composite forks. Would love to track a pair down. Ideally 1 1/8”. Ideally Ahead, but not critical. Needs circa 170mm steerer. Haven’t got silly budget and I realise...
  2. dinozoiks

    For Sale Rocky mountain blizzard

    Dibs after Defender8337. I’ll PM you just in case. I need this in my life. 🥳
  3. dinozoiks

    How to: Repair stripped puller threads on cranks

    If I ever start a band, my first album is going to be called “Tighter than hand tight”. Damn fine advice btw. There’s nothing like that roller of emotions feeling something slowly moving, assuming it’s the crank coming off and then realising it’s threads being stripped. 😬
  4. dinozoiks

    For Sale Orange p7 frame for sale

    Drat and bums. This would be perfect but I’m in London. Lmk if you drop your guard and consider posting (or carpet tape it to the next train to Waterloo). If not, hope it finds a good home. ✊
  5. dinozoiks

    For Sale Manitou 1 Allen Key

    Can confirm they deffo came in standard “L” flavour. <Runs to garage> Here’s the one I got with my Manitou 1s in ‘92. That said, I’m all for allen key diversity, I don’t see shape. 😂✊
  6. dinozoiks

    How to: Repair stripped puller threads on cranks

    That VAR tool makes so much sense. But £153 plus £34 postage? Yikes. Glue and bodge it is then…
  7. dinozoiks

    Dinozoiks feedback

    I don’t sell that much but now that there’s a badge for feedback, I’m totally into feedback! Whatever your feedback, feed it back… 🙏
  8. dinozoiks

    For Sale 26" spinergy wheelset

    Oh, oh, oh! Dibs pending extra photos and deets. 🫡
  9. dinozoiks

    How to: Repair stripped puller threads on cranks

    That all sounds sage advice. To be honest, it’s a garage queen now as I retired the poor thing years ago. It definitely earned it. Bought it new in ‘91 and raced / commuted on it for a good 15 years. It’ll probably get the heat and pickle fork treatment next time anyway. So thanks for the tip. 🔥🥒🍴
  10. dinozoiks

    Sold Spinergy Rev x 26" excellent condition

    Aww heck. I keep missing these unicorns. Must 👏Check 👏 Every 👏 Hour 👏
  11. dinozoiks

    Wanted Spinergy RevX Rox

    I’m still kicking myself for missing a set of 4-spoke Spinergy RevX Rox wheels on EBay recently. Cosmetically great but with a slight buckle that made them cheap, £299 for a pair I seem to remember. They would have been the final piece for an Orange P7 “wall hanger” bike build to replace the...
  12. dinozoiks

    Manitou Lamp… attempt 1

    Got a few sets of cranky Manitous in the garage I’ve been planing to make into a pair of table lamps. 3D printed a base that uses the forks inherent ability to stand upright plus a QR skewer to keep it all in place. Then had the “genius” idea of using LED strips around the steerer tube instead...
  13. dinozoiks

    91 GT Zaskar

    Loving this build. I still have my early-91 Zaskar that I bought new (after a year or two with the Karakoram Purple Haze) and that stem, fork and super-rigid frame combo takes me back to the first ride, 30mph down a rocky farm track and thinking "this is horrific!". Just looking at yours makes...
  14. dinozoiks

    For Sale HOPE Blue 28 Hole Front Hub For Spares Or Repairs…SOLD..

    Sketchy-ass second dibs if something goes wonky. Would make a perfect carrier spindle for my 3D printer reel. 😉